Trump White House Lawyers: How Much Are They Worth? (Part 2)
Meet a Biglaw associate (not partner) who earned more than $800,000 last year.
Meet a Biglaw associate (not partner) who earned more than $800,000 last year.
* Jason Greenblatt, an NYU Law grad, is Donald Trump's chief Israel advisor; so what if he is a real estate lawyer and has no foreign policy experience? Trump has no political experience, and now he's the GOP standard bearer. [Politico] * The Paul, Weiss investigation into Roger Ailes has allegedly grown in scope. [Law and More] * Apparently you can be suspended from legal practice for sexting -- well, if the sexts are unwanted and sent to a client. [Legal Profession Blog] * A look at the Supreme Court's historic disregard for black lives. [Huffington Post] * An eight-member Court is really putting a crimp in SCOTUS's style. [Empirical SCOTUS]
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